Monday, 24 July 2017

Protect Your Equipment And Wildlife By Using The Bird Flight Diverters

Reflective Bird Diverter

When birds fly in the sky, they seem so beautiful and their chattering sounds mesmerizing but there are some issues that make these birds annoying. Because of their natural behavior, people have to suffer from some problems like the bird poop on cars, building nests in the ventilation space and many others. Among all the issues, there is a major problem of power lines which get affected because of these flying creatures. When the bird collision occurs with the communication or power cables, the lines get irrupted and many people have to suffer from the problem altogether. So, it is important to make some arrangements that can reduce the risk of collision. For this problem, there is the amazing product available in the market in the form of Bird flight diverters. These things reflect the birds from the directions where power lines have been installed. If you are looking to get benefited with these products, then you can buy these diverters from “Carbon 2050” which has been working in the direction of protecting the equipment as well as the wildlife and environment. In our range of products, we have spinning diverter, fixed,  power line clamp, and helical bird diverter,

Our items are cost-effective, and they can be easily installed by one person and one installation tool. We are the leading supplier of Reflective Bird Diverter that is highly functional and prevents damages of communication systems, weather instrumentation and other equipment installed at height effectively. The best thing about service is that you can send the used product to us, and we will recycle it.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Protect Life Of Migrating Birds With The Help Of Power Line Bird Diverters

When we talk about the bird collision, then it is one of a big risk for communication cables, power lines and also for guyed structures. After knowing this fact, you cannot sit with relaxation and it is one of a problem which needs consideration. So, you have to look for a reliable solution with which all these difficulties can be resolved. One of a best way is that you have to use bird diverter and it is a right choice with which the bird collision can be reduced. There are so many people who will think that what benefit they will get by using the bird diverters? The advantage is that the wildlife will get protected, and especially local and migrating bird life. 

On the other hand, the damage of some essential equipment can be prevented and these include weather instrumentation, communication systems, and so many others.  The truth is that these equipments cannot be installed on the ground; you will find always these at height. So, it is important to provide protection to these. If you are searching for the power line bird diverter, then there are number of companies available in the market. On the internet, you will find one of a well known company, i.e. “Carbon 2050 Ltd” and we offer effective bird diverters. All products are durable and robust at the time of harsh weather conditions and can be used in the mountains also and these are available at competitive price. To know more details, contact us.